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Sponsor a Youth

We believe it’s important for youth to acquire skills that will help them create jobs for themselves and others. Your donation gives a youth the opportunity to receive training and learn new skills that will change their life. Help us close the skills gap and ensure that young people are empowered to break the cycle of poverty.

Donate Equipment

We gladly accept and appreciate donations of technology hardware including computers – both laptops and desktops – as well as monitors, projectors, cameras, video equipment, and other hardware to help strengthen student engagement and enable our instructors to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. Thank you for being part of the solution.

Become a Mentor/Tutor

By participating in our mentorship program, you help engage youth in exploring career goals and building life skills through a mentoring relationship. Our mentorship program is focused on assisting youth to learn about the world of work, potential career paths, and the skills they need to successfully transition to employment. We invite you to invest in the future of Uganda’s youth and empower them to make positive choices through structured and supportive relationships.

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